Tuesday, November 21, 2006


In previous ezines, we’ve mentioned the opportunity to “CONNECT” to ancestors who immigrated to and migrated out of New England, the wealth of information available in New England archives, libraries and historical societies, specific types of source records, and advances in genealogical technology.

We’ve stressed the Conference’s very affordable price – just $99.00 for Conference Registration until the 15 January 2007 Early Bird cutoff.

Now, here are some additional reasons to attend. NERGC 2007 will be a multi-track Conference. In each time slot for the two and a half days of the Conference you will have the opportunity to choose from five different lectures or workshops. The tracks are organized around these themes:

Ethnic Genealogy
Federal Records at the National Archives
Genealogical Techniques
New England Research
Records and Sources
Skills and Methodology (How to manage your research and findings)
Technology (The Internet and lots more!)
Writing and Documents

The full program is available online at the Conference website (http://www.nergc.org/). In addition to the lectures, the Exhibit Hall, Special Interest Group meetings and Society Fair offer great opportunities for learning and “connecting” with other genealogists with similar interests.

In future issues we will tell you more about the features of the Conference and the benefits of attending. But you don’t need to wait! To see the entire program and get your registration form, go to http://www.nergc.org/2007/program2007.htm
Start planning your conference experience today. Read the


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