Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Are you going to be in Hartford April 26-29, 2007 for the Ninth New England Regional Genealogical Conference? I'll be there, as will Pam Roberts, co-chair of Volunteers for NERGC 2007. Want to help make this the best NERGC conference to date? Volunteer to help. Conferences such as this can not be successful without the valuable help of volunteers.

We are providing this information as a preliminary overview of some of the volunteer opportunities that are available. In order to volunteer you do not need to be registered for the conference. Without being registered you can not attend any sessions, but you can meet some wonderful people and know that you have helped people make New England

If you are a member of a participating society, please contact your president or NERGC delegate to see who is coordinating volunteers for your society. Once your "society volunteer coordinator" contacts us, we will be developing the list of assignments (mostly first come, first served). Well before the conference, we will send confirmation and information to help you accomplish your assignment. Remember, each society has guaranteed to provide a minimum number of volunteer hours; however, we hope you will consider volunteering when ever you can. If your society has chosen not to participate in this conference, we still welcome your assistance as a volunteer.

Watch future E-Zines for more details regarding the following volunteer opportunities:
Registration assistance
Hospitality assistance
Volunteer table assistance
Session facilitators
Banquet ticket monitors
AV/Signage assistance
Society Fair helpers
Special Events helpers

We will be in touch with you before the conference to supply information about the facility and to confirm your volunteer times and tasks. If you have specific suggestions about how volunteers can be utilized to make this an even better conference, just let us know.

Please contact your "society volunteer coordinator" or one of us to volunteer:

Pam Roberts
Tel. (860) 429-8751 596
Gurleyville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268-1408
Tel. (207) 634-2156
1161 East Pond Road, Smithfield, ME 04978

You're really a part of a conference when you volunteer. Come join us.
See you in Hartford!


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