With ads for the Conference placed in major genealogical magazines, we are beginning the next major publicity effort -- the mailing (and e-mailing) of flyers and conference information to professional genealogists, genealogical societies, libraries, archives and other repositories in New England, New York, New Jersey and Eastern Canada.
YOU CAN HELP! We need to be sure that all the societies and repositories mentioned above, plus all LDS Family History Centers in our area will have ample supplies of Conference posters, “post card” notices, and Registration Brochures. Can you help make sure this happens at the places and societies in your area? We can supply you with all the materials you can use. If you can help, just email and include “NERGC Publicity” in the subject line.
AND: Can you help us gain a wider circulation for this Conference E-zine by emailing it to all members of your Society and to any others who you think will be interested in the Conference?
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