Friday, March 10, 2006


Jan Burkhart, Advertising Chair, notes that the Conference Syllabus will be a great way for vendors of genealogical and historical products and services to reach an estimated 800 enthusiastic genealogists.

The NERGC conference offers an inexpensive and consumer friendly way to advertise your genealogically related business. The syllabus, which contains all the advertisements, is put directly into the hands of people who are interested in genealogy. They are the people likely to use your service, purchase your goods, visit your store or library and/or join your association or society. In addition, the syllabus often ends up in a library where hundreds more people view it. A one page ad is $100.00; a half page ad is $50.00; a quarter page ad is $25.00; and a business card size ad is $20.00. If you are interested in purchasing an ad, email and you will receive more information.

Jan also reminds Participating Societies that they are entitled one free page in the Syllabus to provide information about their Societies but that they must also sell one paid page of advertising.

The deadline for ads and all other syllabus material is November 15, 2006.


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