One of the more popular features of our recent Conferences has been our Society Fair. There, any non-profit genealogical, historical, hereditary, or patriotic society; library; or similar organization can display brochures, newsletters, publications, information on membership, research facilities and services, plus any informative material that directly relates to their organization or repository.
For New England CONNECTions 2007, the Society Fair will run from 5:00-7:00 on Thursday, April 27, 2007. Space, free of charge, is now being offered. Organizations that apply will be accepted on a space-available basis. They will not be able to sell items (to do that, rent a booth in the Exhibit Hall), but may take orders for such. Past Society Fairs have been a great success, and even at this early date, we have heard from some groups that have not had a presence at prior Conferences. Interested organizations should email Karen Larsen at klarsen@nehgs.org or Nancy Pexa at Whatsmylineage@aol.com.
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