Friday, March 10, 2006


Following a recent Conference, one first-time participant wrote:

"For years I have halfheartedly assisted my diehard genealogical [spouse] with family history. I've listened attentively, smiled and supported their work, but never felt this passion." But at the NERGC Conference, "Each speaker I encountered shared generously. Every hallway discussion created more questions, each answer opened doors for a lifetime of inquiry of 'sleuthing'. I got hooked.

"Among the participants were young adults who spoke of their grandparents' stories, octogenarians who spoke of their great-grandparents' stories, a melting pot of persons with differing ethnic backgrounds speaking the same language. They spoke not just a language of resources (BMD's, the NEHGS, the NARA, and the FHL's to name a few), but also a language of living. A language filled with relationships and environments, sorrows, challenges and joys. There were stories of family across continents and timelines, and accounts of striking mill workers and willing soldiers, of birth, life, sickness and death. I got hooked.

"Since the Conference, I've read one of those 'how to' books. I've been to the exciting web addresses found in the conference resources. I'm looking forward to the next NERGC Conference. I got hooked!"


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