Thursday, March 22, 2007


Can you help the Volunteer Committee reach the 100% GOAL? Let’s fill 100%
of the identified volunteer needs in the next few weeks, assuring that we will be
ready for NERGC 2007. Planning ahead makes sense. We know that smooth,
successful activities at a conference of this size depends on people -- people to
give out name tags and syllabi, people to share resources on where to eat and
what to do, people to give directions, to set things up. We are making progress
toward out goal, but, we need YOU.

There is still room for YOU in the schedule. Plan to "set a spell, assist and chat"
work the registration booth, hospitality or volunteer tables in the busy
gathering place just outside the meeting room hallway and the Exhibit Hall.
Be "in the know" and serve as a hallway guide between sessions, helping crowds
get to their next activity. Join the "bustling, creative crew" to assemble, place,
and pick up the signs that will welcome participants and get them from here to
there efficiently. A "smiling face at the door " for luncheons and banquets might be
just the job for you. Or, "need to stretch"; walk room to room to pick up
evaluations between sessions. Orientation and instructions packets for volunteers
will make the job easy for you.

If you are registered for the conference, you are eligible to serve as a Session Host.
Those opportunities are going fast. There are only 2 out of 15 left to fill on Thursday
and 3 out of 25 to fill on Friday and Saturday. We are at 88% and reaching.
Additionally, we are especially looking for someone already registered for
Workshops T-101 or S-301 to step forward to serve as Workshop Hosts.

For more information, or to step forward and help reach the 100% Goal,
contact Pam Roberts by email at or phone evenings
at 860 429-8751.


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